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Reasons to invest

  • Cutting-edge technology for large-scale industrial applications with highest safety standards
  • Track record of >600 electrochemical projects with a total capacity of over 10 GW already successfully installed worldwide
  • Long-standing Chlor-Alkali (CA) expertise provides strong technology basis for Alkaline Water Electrolysis (AWE) scale-up
  • Standardized 20 MW AWE module scalum® for projects in the multi-hundred megawatt up to gigawatt range with leading total cost of ownership
  • Continuous improvements in technology and fabrication focusing on performance and efficiency
  • Sizeable high value-add aftermarket along the entire plant life cycle
  • Successful expansion of AWE business demonstrated by 6-fold increase in AWE sales in FY 2022/2023
  • Largest order book in green hydrogen: >3 GW of electrolyzer capacity contracted
  • Profitable CA business with growing new build business and ~50% service share
  • Project execution on time with customer schedule
  • Ambitious financial targets reflecting attractive positioning and strong order backlog
  • Green hydrogen market is expected to grow exponentially, creating significant growth opportunities for electrolyzer OEMs1
  • Global organization with >850 employees and a network close to customers, ideally set-up to to win large-scale development contracts
  • Organizational ramp-up initiated to capture accelerated growth globally and expand capacities
  • Reliable and reputable strategic partners and customers
  • Strengthening and diversifying of hydrogen technology portfolio for industrial applications through highly innovative high-temperature electrolysis (SOEC)

1 Hydrogen Council in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, HydrogenInsights December 2023

  • 10 tons of CO2 emissions are saved per ton of green hydrogen compared to current hydrogen production through steam reforming
  • Our electrolysis technology is enabling companies to successfully implement their decarbonization strategies
  • Supporting the global transition towards a cleaner, more resilient energy infrastructure
  • Sustainability strategy contributes to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations) underpinned by robust sustainability commitments
  • Net financial assets of around 740mn € sufficient to fund growth internally
  • 300 to 500mn € for CAPEX and R&D for four-year-period until FY 2025/2026 to support dynamically growing AWE business
  • Focus on automation and serial fabrication​, strengthening and widening supply chain, technology development​ and organizational growth​