
Basic information

Basic data on the shares of thyssenkrupp nucera
German Securities Code (WKN) NCA000
Ticker symbol NCH2
Number of shares (July 7, 2023) 126,315,000
Designated sponsor Baader Bank
Paying Agent Commerzbank
Market segment Regulated market (Prime Standard)
Stock exchange Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse)
Currency Euro (EUR)
Country Germany
Industry Technology / Plant engineering
Category Ordinary bearer shares with no par value
Capital stock in EUR (July 7, 2023) 126,315,000.00
Primary listing July 7, 2023
Initial offer price EUR 20 per share
Stock market segment SDAX

Stock chart

Analyst coverage

In this section you will find analysts’ coverage.

No Facts and Figures available!!

Shareholder structure

thyssenkrupp AG 50.19 %
De Nora S.p.A. 25.85 %
Energy Solutions Company 6.00 %
Free Float 17.96 %

The voting rights notifications of the named shareholders can be found here.